Testimony Time

Here's a testimony from Patty Mills about 

the impact Beautiful Warriors has had on her life: 

I'm so grateful for how God uses circumstances and people in your life to draw you closer to Him.  Though I have only met a couple of Beautiful Warriors through Joannie over the past year, I feel her passion and love for you through each email, invitation, event and blog that she puts out there.  And when I see and hear how you show your love for God and each other through attending events together, or doing a surprise "sprucing up" of the backyard, it gives me such encouragement.   God was already working mightily in my life when I met the Garner family a little over a year ago.  Freshly recommitted to Christ, having just "lost" two of my closest and longest term friends because of my renewed faith, and burning with my hunger and thirst for Jesus and to grow my roots deeper, she was the first person I'd come across that was like me in that way and let me know it was okay to be crazy in love with Jesus.  From those humble beginnings a friendship formed that only God could have fashioned at that perfect time.  Emails to friends about my faith turned into a Facebook page about my faith which turned into a website blog about my faith which led me to a side business where I am able to share about my faith.   God has enabled me to serve and minister in so many ways and Joannie and her Beautiful Warriors have been there through it all.
And I know that God has intertwined my life with hers and with yours for the very purpose of drawing us all closer to Him.  Giving God thanks for His divine intervention, grace and love during this life and throughout eternity!    
Find Patty at  http://upforthejourney.blogspot.com/


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