Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to Really be Free

Are you really free?
Can you throw your hands up in the air and dance like you just don't care? :-)

That might seem like a funny saying but the fact remains that if you're really free....
then you just don't care what people think.
I'm not talking about putting on the facade of freedom.
You know, like going to a concert and crazily screaming over the band along with thousands of other fans.
Or, like yelling for your favorite team during the playoffs along with the rest of the football lovers in the stands.
It looks like freedom...but, it isn't.
Freedom doesn't necessarily mean reckless or loud.

Just ask yourself this question-
"Would I scream over the band and yell at the game if no one else was doing it with me?
Am I willing to be the only one making a fool of myself?"

Free people stand out from the rest.
They don't fit into the modern day mold.

Freedom is messy and uneven and imperfect and, at times, lonely.
Freedom gets misunderstood and misinterpreted and mistaken.
True freedom ticks people off and ruffles feathers.

Free people passionately pursue their God-given purpose without bowing to their critics.

But, I'm not gonna let what other people think hold me back.
Are you?

Galatians 5:1-
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again
by a yoke of slavery."

To not be free means that I'm a slave to something.
Here are some types of slavery that many women struggle with:


These struggles are really chains that entangle us and keep us bound.
They hold us down and keep us stuck in a cold, dark cell of self pity.

Ladies, that is not God's best for you.
Freedom is always God's best.

Wanna know how to really be free?

Be who God has called YOU to be.

Freedom looks different to everyone.
It comes in all shapes and sizes.
And it's available to all.

But one thing remains the same.
True freedom is not the same as self expression.
It may look unusual or different.
That's ok.
But let's be clear:
Real freedom is an inner work that results in an outward change.
It is not self-earned or self-made.
Free people know that only Jesus can set them free.


John 8:36
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

In the words of one of my fave singers, Bruno Mars,
"Girl, you're amazing just the way you are."

Embrace the masterpiece of you.
And then stand firm in your new-found freedom.
Trust me, it's a gift to truly be free!

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