Monday, November 4, 2013

Abundant Life

-(noun) a large amount of something; plentiful; 
fullness to overflowing

My heart is full of hope 
and I want to share with you
That joy in life is not
Found in what..... but in WHO

I can have everything I want
And still be in desperate need
Of love so pure and true
And grace so light and free

Oh, nothing can compare
To the abundant life He gives
And all I have to do 
Is believe on Him that lives

For every day I need
to be reminded once again
That if it wasn't for His blood,
I'd be dead and buried in my sin

But the God of all things gracious,
full of mercy and of love,
Came and found me at my worst
And proves daily that He's enough

So to live this life in darkness
All covered up in shame
Is to believe the lie that says
"You're not worthy to be saved."

But when I listen to His voice,
the Truth drowns out the lies,
And my heart begins to see
with eyes wide-open to the Light

Then my pathway becomes straight
and my journey more serene,
as I cast my cares upon the Lord
and let Him take the lead.

Cause it's not about how far I get
or what I do along the way,
It's all about His love
And bringing glory to Jesus' name

When my vision becomes clear
And my focus is on the One
Then there's nothing I cannot do
No race I cannot run

So today I choose to look
beyond what my eyes can see
To a life of never-ending joy,
Overflowing with His peace

Yes, abundance is within me
It's all around me, front and back,
And I will not look away anymore
No, I will not live in lack

My inheritance is fulfillment  
My destiny is great
I will live this life on purpose
And choose each day to celebrate!

John 10:10-
"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. 
I came that they may have and enjoy life, 
and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."

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